Name the following cycloalkanes:
cycloalkanes nomenclature statement


Molecule 1.
molecule 01
1. Main chain: cycle of four (cyclobutane)
2. Numbering: starts at the substituent, the direction is indifferent.
3. Substituents: ethyl in position 1
4. Construction of the name: The substituent is named first and ends with the name of the main chain.


Molecule 2.

molecule 02

1. Main chain: five-membered cycle (cyclopentane)

2. Numbering: You must give the lowest locants to the substituents. By numbering as indicated the substituents have 1,1,3 locants.

3. Substituents: methyl in position 1,3 and ethyl in position 1 .

4. Construction of the name: first the substituents are named alphabetically preceded by their locants and ending in cyclopentane.


Molecule 3.
molecule 03

1. Main chain: six-membered cycle (cyclohexane).

2. Numbering: since there is only one substituent, the numbering begins at its carbon, the direction in which it continues is irrelevant.

3. Substituent: Isopropyl in position 1 .

4. Construction of the name: it is not necessary to indicate the position of the isopropyl in the name as it is the only substituent and it is in position 1 .



ICycloalkanes with only one substituent are numbered by giving locant 1 to the carbon of the substituent and it is not necessary to indicate this locant in the name.