What is organic physicochemistry?
Organic physical chemistry can be considered as the study of the structure and reactivity of organic molecules. More specifically, organic physical chemistry applies the experimental tools of classical physical chemistry to the study of organic molecules and provides a theoretical framework that interprets the influence of structures on both reaction mechanisms and reaction rates of organic reactions .
Among the most outstanding fields of research are:
1-Conformational analysis
2- Spectroscopy
3- Non-covalent interactions
7- Quantum chemistry
Figure 1: Kinetic and thermodynamic control diagram
References to consult to enrich the search for information:
1) Juaristi E. “Basic concepts of orbital theory”. CINVESTAV, Mexico, 1988 Juaristi E. "Organic Physicochemistry." CINVESTAV, Mexico, 1994.
2) Neil SI “Physical Organic Chemistry” Longman, Milan, 1995.
3) March J., “Advanced Organic Chemistry” John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1992 4) Jones RAY “Physical and Mechanistic Organic Chemistry”, 2nd. Ed Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1984.
5) Woodward RB and Hoffmann R. “The conservation of orbital symmetry”, Academic Press, New York, 1979.
6) Carpenter BK “Determination of Organic Reaction Mechanisms”, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1984 .