Chemistry, like any other science, is important and what we should know for our daily life since chemistry makes us aware of the composition of the bodies that surround us, from a delicious fruit to a lifeless body such as it is in a mineral.
That is why this work will talk about the great importance of knowing about organic chemistry in one's work as a petroleum engineer in working life, as well as some experiences of some service engineers who wanted to share a little of their experience about knowing about organic chemistry.
In addition, this topic was taken to do this research because many students who are in the petroleum engineering career do not know about the great importance of taking this subject and they even ask themselves, what use is organic chemistry for us, if we are not going to use it? occupy? And the truth is that it is very important to know organic chemistry since, as we know, oil is composed or originated as you want to take it from the remains of many organic living beings that inhabited the planet earth millions of years ago, which reached their stage of death and they were deposited on the sea bed or on the surface, which had to die a large number of beings in order to form the oil that we know today.
The beginning of all science that exists on this planet has been initiated mainly by the desire and great curiosity of the human being himself throughout his evolution.
With this curiosity, over time, they began to wonder what all the bodies in this world were composed of and thus they continued to investigate until the science of general chemistry was established.
The term "organic chemistry" was introduced in 1807 by Jöns Jacob Berzelius, to study compounds derived from natural resources.
In 1928, Wöhler observed when evaporating a solution of ammonium cyanate, the formation of large colorless crystals, which did not belong to ammonium cyanate.
The analysis of the same determined that it was urea. The transformation observed by Wöhler converts an inorganic compound, ammonium cyanate, into an organic compound, urea, isolated from the urine of animals.
This experiment was the confirmation that organic compounds can also be synthesized in the laboratory.
The importance of organic chemistry in the oil industry is that since oil is a compound of organic origin, organic chemistry is necessary to carry out any process related to it. (Sanchez, 2015)
On the other hand, Ángel Díaz tells us that “the importance of chemistry in petroleum engineering since it is a very extensive science that is present in any raw material transformation process. In addition, the oil industry not only uses chemistry to extract and transform the raw material, which in this case is oil, but also other important sciences that are involved when exploring and exploiting a deposit." (Diaz, 2017)
As well as the petroleum engineer Jesús Uriel Hoyos Villa in an interview told us that: "Organic chemistry is vital because all hydrocarbons start from the chemical part (carbon and hydrogen) the science that studies all hydrocarbons and more than focused on the type of molecules in which they are conformed is organic chemistry”.
Starting from the essential knowledge on which they are based, on their structure and how the matter that we are going to use is made up, the importance of this lies because we are going to understand what types of derivatives we are going to obtain and how we are going to work with this material in this case the hydrocarbon.
Which, mainly, what the petroleum engineer should know about organic chemistry is the state of the matter in which the hydrocarbon is found, and why do we need to know that? Because in the process of exploiting a field and separating the products that we are extracting.”
He also mentioned to us that “the main area in the oil sector lies in petrochemicals. All hydrocarbon derivatives have to do with organic chemistry because their classification leads to what we can obtain, their characteristics of the derivative, the malleability, the final use of the product”.
One of the opportunities to learn about organic chemistry "was that, when working in a geofluids laboratory, I had to need knowledge of organic chemistry to be using organic solvents such as: toluene, cylene and chloroform in the separation of hydrocarbons from oil nuclei" . The selection of solvents to clean the laboratory samples, lies in the knowledge of hydrocarbons and the reaction that organic compounds will have.
All this knowledge obtained in the study of the matter told us that "they served him and those who did not, you have to investigate in order to facilitate the work and the efficiency of the machinery used in that work that you do." (VILLA, 2017)
In a blog that Álvaro Sandoval wrote in 2013, he mentioned that: "The importance of organic chemistry in the oil industry is that since oil is a compound of organic origin, organic chemistry is necessary to carry out all processes related to the same.
We can see that organic chemistry through its compounds is interacting on a daily basis with all living species, which is why it becomes key to life and therefore it is important to study it.
In addition to the fact that properly processed carbon can be used to manufacture plastics, rubber, asphalt and also fuels, lubricants and oils. It also covers a large part of the pharmaceutical industry because the vast majority of organic compounds serve as the basis for the manufacture of medicines.
In addition, for the oil industry it is of great importance because the carbon atom is present mainly in oil. The mineral coal in its natural state and to be able to process the oil and obtain some products such as gasoline, lubricating oils and some others such as aromatic hydrocarbons.
It is necessary to know the procedures that must be carried out for each process that you want to carry out, such as: a lubricating oil for cars named x must have a chain of at least 16 carbons to give it an ideal viscosity, if it were to have less would be very volatile and would not serve to be a lubricant (so it is necessary to know what type of oil can be used that meets the characteristics that oil must have and also to be able to process it it must be mixed with some other organic compounds and it must be known what they are and what are its characteristics and to be able to deduce all these questions it is necessary to know organic chemistry)”. (Sandoval, 2013)
In a publication made on a Facebook page "Estudiantes Petroleros De Latinoamérica Unidos" Miss Lona Sarahi commented that "Organic chemistry helps you carry out studies of origin, generation and migration mainly of oil." (Canvas, 2017)
Likewise, Eng. Jorge Luis Bonilla Bojacá from the country of Colombia, in the same Facebook post, provided us with his comment that: "It is one of the pillars both in the exploration and exploitation processes, since depending on this subject, we can talk of origin, degree of maturity, migration, kerogen, as well as recommendations and exploitation methodologies.
Organic chemistry in its application is very broad, since it is not only oil, it also involves coal, in the case of hydrocarbons. In coals, analyzes are made for the development of the metallurgical industry (which can also be applied with high-density hydrocarbons), thermal, gas, fuel for industries, insulation.
Its applicability is very varied, in what is known as organic geochemistry. The other part of organic chemistry already involves industries such as pharmaceuticals, biofuels, food and things of our daily lives. In conclusion, the field of action is limited if hydrocarbons or carbohydrates are to be handled”.
And in a conversation with the same person, he told us that: "organic chemistry is a pillar of this career, since as the profession says and breaking down the term petroleum engineering, that is, the development and/or creation of processes and tools for purposes of extraction and/or exploitation of the hydrocarbon
In this sense, when referring to a specific material, it is very important to understand its physical and chemical properties, and the second requires a deep understanding of organic chemistry.
Regarding the second question, it is necessary to understand the process that the hydrocarbon undergoes from its genesis to the benefit processes in different by-products derived from petroleum, and this implies the understanding of a varied type of reactions.
The management areas are very large, they can range from extraction processes (fluid properties in depth, migration, well pressure, fluid tests, crude oil characteristics (viscosity, density, pH, chemical composition), as well as forms of transportation, and also refining processes (formation of by-products such as plastics, rubber, rubber, gasoline, liquefied gas).
Organic chemistry in its application is very broad, since it is not only oil, it also involves coal, in the case of hydrocarbons. In coals, analyzes are made for the development of the metallurgical industry (which can also be applied with high-density hydrocarbons), thermal, gas, fuel for industries, insulation.
Its applicability is very varied, in what is known as organic geochemistry. The other part of organic chemistry already involves industries such as pharmaceuticals, biofuels, food and things of our daily lives. In conclusion, the field of action is limited if hydrocarbons or carbohydrates are to be handled”. (Bonilla, 2017)
It depends on the type that we want to obtain various the application of organic chemistry. Whether it is to know what type of material one is dealing with in exploration, whether it is a good material or what type of oil is being extracted.
Another serious discussion is that nowadays oil companies, whether national or foreign, as well as government and private ones, are no longer betting on the repair of oil-contaminated soils with inorganic products, since you can remedy the damage from pollution.
But the only bad thing is that, you may be damaging the very land you were trying to repair in another way. That is why the industry is now opting for organic components that help to repair the soil, although organic products are more expensive than inorganic ones that are used for soil repair.
These products are very efficient, in addition to being organic, they help more to repair damaged soil, clearly using organic chemistry as the main pillar of research to repair the soil, although your investment to generate this product is of high economic value, it is worth it for the planet make it.
The subject of organic chemistry is essential in work and student life for the petroleum engineering career, for whoever uses it will give you a sense of what they are working on, whether it is in a drilling well or in a laboratory.
Organic chemistry helps us to know the characteristics of the components that surround us and helps us to explain their structure, and how the chemical reactions that we mix behave.
On the other hand, organic chemistry helps us to explain the behavior of organic compounds obtained in a chemistry experiment. And with respect to the race, it helps us to know how to put oil to good use as well as its derivatives.
As are the organic compounds that help to repair the environment of an oil spill and that these compounds are organic based, which despite being very expensive helps more than inorganic compounds.
Bonilla, JL (May 2, 2017). FACEBOOK . Obtained from United Latin American Oil Students:¬if_t=group_comment¬if_id=1493764505866135
Diaz, a. (April 25, 2017). Organic Chemistry in Petroleum Engineering . Retrieved from
Lona, S. (May 02, 2017). facebook . Retrieved in 2017, from United Latin American Oil Students:¬if_t=group_comment¬if_id=14937645058661
Sanchez, JD (June 4, 2015). blogger . Retrieved on April 26, 2017, from blogger:
Sandoval, A. (May 2, 2013). blogger . Retrieved on May 2, 2017, from blogger:
VILLA, JU (MAY 2, 2017). What is the importance of organic chemistry in the work of engineering. oil? (DA JESUS, Interviewer)